Our Blog

OBSIDIAN PR – an acrostic

Using the 10 letters that spell OBSIDIAN PR, I highlighted 10 of the qualities that I love about our firm. Open door policy – I literally had to look and see if my office even has a door because I’ve never closed it. Everybody here is fine with…

Q&A with Obsidian interns Taylor and Jake

What advice would you give to others that want to land an internship somewhere like Obsidian? T: Any student can land an internship with an awesome firm like Obsidian by taking advantages of the opportunities that are presented to them, such as participating in university organization and events.…

Murray’s Top 10 Downtown Memphis Restaurants

1. Agave Maria  Photo from Yelp.com 2. Itta Bena  Photo from 10best.com 3. South of Beale  Photo from I Love Memphis blog 4. Pearl’s Oyster House  Photo from burnsland.com 5. Flight Restaurant and Wine Bar  Photo from livetoindulge.com 6. Felicia Suzanne’s  Photo from cbswatchmagazine.com 7. Rizzo’s  Photo from…

Top 10 Secret Facts about Obsidianites

When you work with a group of people for a while, you get to know them pretty well. You hear about their spouses or significant others, children, pets, relatives and friends, but what about the personal quirky facts? How long does it take for those to surface? I…

Sarah L.’s Top 10 Downtown Activities

The landscape of businesses and attractions in Downtown Memphis has changed drastically during the past decade since Obsidian first opened its doors in the Emerge Building on Tennessee Street. Now located in the heart of the vibrant South Main Historic Arts District, Obsidianites love to work and play…

Kelli’s Top 10 Memes

If you ask some of my co-workers at Obsidian, they would probably tell you I’ve got a lolcat for every occasion. But if I’m being honest, we all have a few choice memes that make their way around our office now and then. To celebrate Obsidian’s 10th anniversary,…

Lauren’s Top 10 Times Our Team Had Tons of Fun

Part of my job as the culture ambassador is to plan meaningful team-building events where we all come together to simply have fun, give back through volunteering or take time to eat lunch at monthly potlucks. So, naturally, for my 10th anniversary social media takeover, I had to…

Crissy’s Top 10 Favorite OPR Memories

On March 1, I will celebrate my eighth anniversary at Obsidian PR. Wow! Eight whole years in one place! It was exciting to join our firm when we were young, and it’s been exciting to see how we’ve grown and changed over the years. And, of course, there…