OBSIDIAN PR – an acrostic

Using the 10 letters that spell OBSIDIAN PR, I highlighted 10 of the qualities that I love about our firm.

Open door policy – I literally had to look and see if my office even has a door because I’ve never closed it. Everybody here is fine with you walking right up to their desks with questions or an idea to bounce off of them. Even more, the walls that divide our offices do not go all the way up to the ceiling, so we commonly yell over them.

Brainstorming – We do a lot of this. Even if we are not assigned to a particular client, we often pull all of our heads together in order to get the best solutions and create the most comprehensive plans.

Social – We like to get out and do stuff. We are involved in professional organizations, such as the Public Relations Society of America and the American Marketing Association. We also make a point to have regular fun team events, participate in community service, celebrate each Obsidian employee’s birthday and recognize work anniversaries.

Insightful – We come from different backgrounds, work with clients in a variety of categories and have years of experience that give us a deeper understanding of communication. We are well equipped to offer the most perceptive counsel.

Determined – We don’t confuse roadblocks with the finish line. If plan A does not work, you bet we have a plan B. We are committed to reaching our clients’ goals even if we have to find a different way to get there.

Inspired – We use our imaginations, and we get inventive. We are the most organized ‘creatives’ that you will ever meet.

Accommodating – Externally, we are willing to work with a client’s budget and timeline to create a unique plan that matches their needs precisely. Internally, we have the flexibility to work from a coffee shop after a meeting instead of coming back to the office or have a later start time in order to drop kids off at school.

News junkies – Collectively, we probably read over 100 articles a day. We are constantly researching topics that concern our clients, sharing interesting stories with each other and staying on top of industry trends.

Personable – We pride ourselves on being easy to work with. Our co-workers become our friends and so do our clients.

Reliable – We are a trusted source in the community. Over the past 10 years, we have built relationships with the media and vendors. You can count on us.