
Money Matters [to Women]

Red Door Wealth Management is an example of a company successfully identifying a niche audience – one that Gretchen Gassner Turley, director of client relations, could personally identify with and, therefore, communicate to successfully. She gives some of her insight into the company’s niche audience of female breadwinners…

Niche Audiences: Identify, Aim and Engage!

The success of any business can be directly attributed to how well the business understands its targeted audiences, for only then will the business be able to best serve (and communicate with) its audiences. However, being able to further drill down niche audiences – specialized segments of your…

Meet our new Obsidianite, Taylor McCormick!

We’ve got a new member on our full-time team at Obsidian PR! Taylor McCormick joined our team as an account assistant at the firm this spring after moving to Memphis from Nashville, Tennessee. So, let’s get to know her a little better! Memphis is quite a bit different…

Top 10 Secret Facts about Obsidianites

When you work with a group of people for a while, you get to know them pretty well. You hear about their spouses or significant others, children, pets, relatives and friends, but what about the personal quirky facts? How long does it take for those to surface? I…

Lauren’s Top 10 Times Our Team Had Tons of Fun

Part of my job as the culture ambassador is to plan meaningful team-building events where we all come together to simply have fun, give back through volunteering or take time to eat lunch at monthly potlucks. So, naturally, for my 10th anniversary social media takeover, I had to…

Crissy’s Top 10 Favorite OPR Memories

On March 1, I will celebrate my eighth anniversary at Obsidian PR. Wow! Eight whole years in one place! It was exciting to join our firm when we were young, and it’s been exciting to see how we’ve grown and changed over the years. And, of course, there…

Sure, Let’s Talk About Wine at 8 a.m. in the Morning!

Recently, our team had the privilege of an all-expense paid trip (courtesy of Obsidian PR’s owner, Courtney Ellett) to Atlanta, Georgia, for the Public Relations Society of America’s International Conference. The conference incorporated three jam-packed days of learning, networking and team building, and we walked away with so…

The PR 180° Project is underway

Voting has started for this year's PR PR 180° Project! Visit our Facebook page and Instagram account (@obsidianpublicrelations) to cast your vote for one of these 12 participants: Camp Conquest | Calvary Rescue Mission | Binghampton Christian Academy | Alzheimer's Day Services | Vollintine Evergreen Neighborhood School | Lowenstein House | Knowledge…

Make the most of your sleep

It’s amazing to think that when we were children, most of us despised nap time because we’d rather be playing. Now, few things sound better than a good nap! Since graduating from college and starting work in the “real world,” I have come to truly appreciate the value…


Perspective is a funny thing. It can sweep over you gradually, like the warmth of a crackling fire from across the room. Or it can feel like a swift kick in the mouth when you don’t see it coming. We’d like to think perspective comes with age, though…