Our Blog

How to respond to an unfavorable review vs. an untruthful review

It’s a fact that in today’s society of swiping, typing, texting, instant messaging (and I could keep going with the -ings), people feel more empowered than ever to voice their opinion. And, the bandwidth and instantaneous nature of social media and other digital platforms give people easy access…

Public relations is like a fine wine

Let’s talk wine for a bit. I’m not an avid wine drinker, but I appreciate a nice glass of red wine from time to time. As I was thinking about a lovely glass of Malbec I had, I wandered down a rabbit hole that I couldn’t help but…

Don’t be afraid, be strategic!

The sheer mention of the word crisis can lead to immediate feelings of anxiety, stress and concern. And in a business environment, these feelings may be magnified tenfold. It’s understandable – crisis situations (and the way they’re handled) have the potential to make or break a company’s future.…

THINK before you post

At this point in the game, not having an active social media presence for your business is like having a pen but no paper to write on. We live in such a fast-paced, digital environment that social media outlets are essential when it comes to communicating with your…

Memphis – exceeding expectations

Addison Walker Being a part of something new is always exciting, especially a new town. I went to Mississippi State University, where it turns out, a lot of Memphians attend as well. During those four years, I began to hear of new things like Jerry’s Sno Cones and…

Life’s better on the Bluff

Lauren Hannaford It took me 26 years to visit Graceland. I’ve only been to the Rendezvous three times. I had birthday parties at Fun Plex and remember when our baseball team was called the Memphis Chicks. And, I grew up taking field trips every fall to the Mid-South…

Winter came and went

I’m eight years late, but I started bingeing Game of Thrones in late April. I’ve absorbed six seasons worth of content in six weeks, and needless to say it’s taken over my life. My dog is now the self-proclaimed lady of our neighborhood, and I honestly have considered…