Obsidian Public Relations

The XX Marks the Word-of-Mouth Spot

By now, many of us are very familiar with the phrase “word-of-mouth” and have been inundated with tons of mentions about what it is and isn’t. As a matter of fact, with the overuse of the term in marketing and communication circles, some have even predicted that the…

Behind the Headline

If you’re a PR professional, you know that strategic media relations is one of the most well-known aspects of our discipline. What some clients may not know is the process we go through to help garner those news stories, radio interviews, blog mentions and TV segments. Well, it…

You talkin’ to me?

Tim Westergren, the founder of Pandora, emailed me the other day. Yep, that’s right. And today, just 30 minutes ago, I got a message from him on my cell phone. The above statements are absolutely true, but they might not mean exactly what you think they mean. No,…

Let’s keep it green, folks. Keep it green.

At the Obsidian office, we know how to recycle. We have two separate trash bins – one for cans only and one for other materials – and keep a mountain of newspapers and magazines that are all recycled or donated to the Humane Society of of Memphis &…

The Naughty List

Please read this sentence aloud: “You know, the restaurant we ate at on Friday was super luxurious, and the staff was wonderful. However, the dining area was outdated, and the tables were sort of tiny. We had a good meal though.” Now – and don’t cheat by glancing…

There’s no “I” in team

“No man is an island…and therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." In John Donne’s Meditation 17, he emphasizes the interconnectedness of mankind. It’s also a pretty accurate metaphor for our culture here at Obsidian PR. You see, although each client…

Hey, customer! Take a chill pill!

OK, so while this may be what’s coming to mind as you open your mouth to diffuse an emotional customer, good communication skills will filter this statement into something pleasantly soothing and magically transformative. Some may claim that performing magic would be easier than pleasantly responding to an…

Getting to know the final two…

An animal advocate from Memphis and a Louisina-native who bleeds purple and gold, Katie Pemberton and Kelli Eason are our final "getting to know Obsidian" entries. Both are equally as passionate about PR as they are about their personal loves for animals and football. Katie Pemberton Birthday: 9/8/81…

Getting to know our main man — Thomas!

The only man among the women of Obsidian, Thomas Whitehead is an integral part of our team, offering valuable insight for our clients and the firm as a whole. He leverages his interests for the good, and you should take time to get to know him! Thomas Whitehead…

Get to know our Texas gals!

Part of Obsidian's new Dallas operation, Crissy Lintner and Kerri Guyton headed to the great state of Texas to launch the new office earlier this year. Get to know them now! Kerri Guyton Birthday: Oct. 20 Hometown: I don’t really have a hometown. I was born in San…