
Idea Generation in 3 Easy Steps

Previously posted to the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce blog.  Ideas are amazing things. If you think about it, they are really the basis of everything. Every business or product that exists was spawned from an idea, and ongoing growth and innovation of those businesses and products…

Not Exactly What the Doctor Ordered…

If you remember nothing else from what you are about to read, remember this: patients are customers. With that said, communication professionals who work with or for health care organizations must address them as such through messaging. Blame it on the cost of health care, government policies or…

Q&A with Obsidian interns Taylor and Jake

What advice would you give to others that want to land an internship somewhere like Obsidian? T: Any student can land an internship with an awesome firm like Obsidian by taking advantages of the opportunities that are presented to them, such as participating in university organization and events.…

Kelli’s Top 10 Memes

If you ask some of my co-workers at Obsidian, they would probably tell you I’ve got a lolcat for every occasion. But if I’m being honest, we all have a few choice memes that make their way around our office now and then. To celebrate Obsidian’s 10th anniversary,…

Crissy’s Top 10 Favorite OPR Memories

On March 1, I will celebrate my eighth anniversary at Obsidian PR. Wow! Eight whole years in one place! It was exciting to join our firm when we were young, and it’s been exciting to see how we’ve grown and changed over the years. And, of course, there…