Our Blog

Don’t Avoid Conflict – Learn From It

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, and learning how to create productive conflict resolution is a necessity. One of the most common causes of conflict among employees is miscommunication. The first step toward successful communication is identifying how your own behaviors affect the situation. The assertive continuum is…

Communicating with Millennials: 101

Looking for fresh, new, Millennial faces to add to your team? Then be sure to keep in mind that Millennials are a unique breed—all 80 million of them. According to parade.com, they will make up one-third of the population by 2020. In fact, a stat released in April…

Idea Generation in 3 Easy Steps

Previously posted to the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce blog.  Ideas are amazing things. If you think about it, they are really the basis of everything. Every business or product that exists was spawned from an idea, and ongoing growth and innovation of those businesses and products…

How hard are you failing? #FAIL

We all know that popular hashtag. Was it the mini-caramel apple bites or the complicated Cookie Monster cupcakes, a 10 p.m. toddler temper tantrum or your fifth straight failed media pitch? #FAILs are sometimes posted in good fun, but other times, they can weigh on you for weeks.…

Beware the ‘Hot Mic’: 4 Tips to Remember for Media Interviews

Presidential campaign season is full of great examples of what not to do during a media interview. If you’re following the current presidential race at all, you may have seen the headline from The Washington Post a couple of weeks ago – "Caught on a hot mic, Clinton speculates about Chris Christie's…

How to Choose (or Be) a Good Spokesperson

From political races to crisis situations to paid endorsements, choosing (or being) a spokesperson is a tough job. Some people, like company presidents or CEOs, expect to serve as spokespeople. Others are thrust into it unexpectedly. But even for those who expect to be spokespeople, what if the…

Not Exactly What the Doctor Ordered…

If you remember nothing else from what you are about to read, remember this: patients are customers. With that said, communication professionals who work with or for health care organizations must address them as such through messaging. Blame it on the cost of health care, government policies or…