Obsidian Public Relations

Getting Started in Public Relations

Given that I’ve recently started my internship here at Obsidian, it seems a fitting time to look back on the steps I’ve taken to get me here and reflect on the lessons learned that will hopefully continue to carry me forward in this exciting career. I initially started…

Does Your Brand Need A Blog?

Not every brand needs a blog, but if you have the time and resources to maintain one, you should consider starting one today. Blogs are a prime example of content marketing that most any business can leverage. Content marketing is the abstract term for strategically delivering valuable, relevant,…

Technology Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Texting, answering emails, online shopping or simply watching endless episodes of “Friends” on Netflix; sure, we’ve heard habits like these can be bad for your eyes and attention span, but one of the most recent ailments attributed to these behaviors might surprise you. So, what is it? Do…


I rarely set New Year’s resolutions because I hardly ever follow them, and midway through the year, when I suddenly remember what it was I was supposed to be working towards, I find myself disappointed that I couldn’t even remember that I set one. So, going into 2015,…

So, What Do You Do?

Family events. High school reunions. Catching up with college friends. These are times that, in the post-graduate world, give many people (some who you probably haven’t seen in a while) the opportunity to ask you lots of questions. About everything. You know what I’m talking about? I thought…

Public Relations is like…(Take 2)

Sometimes things just have to “click” with people before they can truly understand and then fully embrace that idea or take action because of it. As I reflect back on my academic career, I’m reminded of many instances where this proved true for me. For example, I’m close…