obsidian public relations dallas

Avoid these résumé sins

PR agency owners and hiring managers get a healthy amount of résumés each month. I probably receive at least 20. Long ago, I promised myself (when I was the eager beaver sending out that résumé in hopes of a reply) that I would read each and every one…

Outsourced: Public Relations

Not every company has the ability – or the desire – to have an expert on staff for every task that must be executed to run a business. A company that chooses to outsource a service is looking for a specialist in that field, and it is a…

Step Aside, Samantha Jones

This past weekend, I spent my Sunday watching past episodes of Smash. I love musicals, but I also happen to love the insight to the Broadway process the show portrays. But the recent prevalence of Agnes, the publicist on the show, made me wonder if what I’m watching…


Earlier this year, I was driving down Lamar Avenue and noticed a full-size billboard that caught my eye. It was for a well-known local floral company here in Memphis, Pugh’s Flowers. At first glance, I was thinking to myself, “What in the heck does that say?” The billboard…

Fighting over the Brussels Sprouts

Last Thanksgiving, which is by far my favorite meal of the year, my mom passed around Brussels sprouts to the family. Quietly alarmed by this newcomer to our holiday table, I immediately said “no” like a picky child – I just don’t like Brussels sprouts. I was then…

What is this workout you speak of?

Between an 8-to-5 job and technology that makes bringing work home possible, it’s getting harder and harder for people to find time to work out during the workday. It seems the terms “work out” and “exercise” are becoming obsolete vernacular in some offices. This can be detrimental to…


We’ve all seen it. The email that comes through that goes something like this: NoReply@InsertCompanyNameHere.com. Way to make a person feel important, right? Well, this happened to me recently, and I took it personally because it was from a local nonprofit I support. We have a family membership…

The Analytical Side of PR

Like many communications professionals, math is not exactly my strong suit. I might have even chosen to major in public relations because the coursework only required two math classes. I mean…maybe. I love my job because I love to write. What I didn’t know (and didn’t learn) in…