obsidian public relations dallas

Public Relations or Protector of Reputations?

The term “public relations” holds various meanings for those in this industry. There are times that “PR” becomes synonymous with “Protector of Reputations.” In honor of President’s Day and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday approaching, I want to reference one of Honest Abe’s adages: "Perhaps a man's character was like…

The strong bond brewed between coffee and work

No matter what coffee shop I drive or walk by, Starbucks, Sip | Stir Café, etc., there are always people working, studying and conducting meetings at the coffee shop. This recently intrigued me and I stared wondering what it is that draws people to coffee shops and how…

Resolve to put an end to these common grammar mistakes

With less than 30 days of the New Year under our belts, everyone is still going strong when it comes to keeping their New Year’s resolutions. Gyms are more crowded, grocery carts are filled with more fruits and vegetables and fewer chips and cookies, and that extra “splurge”…

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

As public relations professionals, a great deal of our success is based on securing media hits for our clients. In turn, much of our frustration can also come when we don’t achieve media hits for a client or story we know is newsworthy. So where does it all…

Going on Vacation? Tips to Help Navigate Your Workload and Inbox

Although we all just returned from holiday vacations, we'll soon be looking forward to Spring Break and warm weather getaways. The most dreaded task for a vacation any size? The mountainous inbox you will return to whether it be from a short four-day weekend or **gasp** a two-week-long…

Cooking with Kim

When I have the extra time, I really enjoy cooking. No, I don’t mean whipping up a box of macaroni and cheese and thawing out a veggie burger (although that is very yummy!); I mean truly creating a meal from the ground up. This winter, my favorites have…

Why sitting pretty isn’t always pretty

We are in a deadline-driven industry, and sometimes, that accounts for a 12-hour sitting binge. Most recently, I was working on an extensive media list for one of my clients and didn’t realize I hadn’t left my desk in five hours. Typically I wouldn’t think about it as…

Tips for Networking Introverts

During a recent staff meeting, we were told we would be attending a networking event. Thankfully, it was on a day that I had class because I avoid networking events at all costs! Small talk has never been my forte, and being around a huge group of people…

Just Stop… Stop the Lying.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford got himself into hot water in November when he denied, denied, denied, then finally admitted that he was in fact using crack-cocaine in a publicly released video that showed him using drugs. I don’t need to go into the details of the story –…

Sit up Straight!

On a recent visit to a client’s office, I walked in and was blown away by – wait for it – their chairs! Yes, I said chairs. Every single desk is equipped with a stability ball chair. I tried to hide my giddy expression when I realized that…