
It’s tradeshow season, kid!

Hopefully, you caught the “Wedding Crashers” reference there.  Our firm helps many of our clients plan for tradeshows every year. If your organization is exhibiting at any tradeshows this year, don’t forget what a great opportunity these events can be for media coverage. To make sure you are…

4 Ways To Harness Inspiration

Are you in a professional slump? Is it taking all of your energy to produce fresh ideas and serve your clients? Whatever roadblock you’ve found yourself against at work, it could be that it’s time to rediscover your source of inspiration and take a mental break. However, in…

What’s in Your PR Survival Kit?

Earlier this year, I had a jam-packed day of meetings – four consecutive meetings in different locations to be exact. As I left the office the evening before, I failed to put some key items in my bag. These items were pretty standard office supplies – a notebook…

Are we providing value?

There is so much that we can do for our clients. We provide a variety of services from strategic communication counsel and planning, media relations and crisis management to social media strategy and implementation, content creation and advertising/marketing counsel. And, which services we provide depends on the specific…

The Greatest Public Relations Firm in History

Disclaimer: Before we begin, I just wanted to clarify that the views presented in this blog post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Obsidian Public Relations. When I was in college and finally made the switch from landscape architecture to communication (who knew…

Technology Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Texting, answering emails, online shopping or simply watching endless episodes of “Friends” on Netflix; sure, we’ve heard habits like these can be bad for your eyes and attention span, but one of the most recent ailments attributed to these behaviors might surprise you. So, what is it? Do…

So, What Do You Do?

Family events. High school reunions. Catching up with college friends. These are times that, in the post-graduate world, give many people (some who you probably haven’t seen in a while) the opportunity to ask you lots of questions. About everything. You know what I’m talking about? I thought…