Social Media

How to respond to an unfavorable review vs. an untruthful review

It’s a fact that in today’s society of swiping, typing, texting, instant messaging (and I could keep going with the -ings), people feel more empowered than ever to voice their opinion. And, the bandwidth and instantaneous nature of social media and other digital platforms give people easy access…

Don’t be afraid, be strategic!

The sheer mention of the word crisis can lead to immediate feelings of anxiety, stress and concern. And in a business environment, these feelings may be magnified tenfold. It’s understandable – crisis situations (and the way they’re handled) have the potential to make or break a company’s future.…

THINK before you post

At this point in the game, not having an active social media presence for your business is like having a pen but no paper to write on. We live in such a fast-paced, digital environment that social media outlets are essential when it comes to communicating with your…

Preparing to say “I’m sorry”

In the world of incessant internet conversations, it’s less about if your company will misstep and more about when. While outrage culture can nab businesses for the slightest infractions, this newfound accountability is a good thing. It pushes companies to pursue endeavors with integrity for fear of retaliation…

5 training sessions a PR firm can provide for your organization

Hiring a public relations firms can lead to a number of successes for your business, such as public awareness, reputation enhancement and relationship building with target audiences. While a PR team executes most of the work behind the scenes, there is an army of people within an organization…

One-star responses: brands that lost control of their digital reputation

Everyone’s a critic. With easily accessible review sites like Google Reviews, Yelp!, Glassdoor and several others at the tips of our fingers, it’s no surprise that frustrated people from all over the world are taking advantage of reviews on demand. With the relative ease customers have in voicing…

Examples of media appearances gone wrong – how training makes a difference

Alexander Graham Bell once said, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” As public relations professionals, we know how important it is to be prepared – whether it be for a crisis or morning show segment. It’s our job to make sure our clients’ messages are…

Planning for milestones – Have an upcoming milestone or anniversary? Wow your followers with a celebration.

Let’s celebrate! Cue Kool & the Gang – there’s a party goin’ on right here! It may not feel like a party if you’re reading this at your desk on a rainy Wednesday morning, but in my opinion, there’s always something to celebrate. In the PR world, we’re…