
Finding Creativity

Creativity is an important trait to possess in the PR profession. There are so many areas in which we need to input creativity, from brainstorming ideas to crafting content and from developing communication plans to pitching the media. And, it’s true that creative people can often deliver at…

Please stop… mass-pitching reporters

The focus of this second post in our new series, “Please Stop” (intended to point out things some PR people do that give the rest of us a bad rap), is among the biggest fails on behalf of PR people: mass-pitching reporters. It’s a flop that continues to…

Words we would love to see retired in 2017

At the end of each year, a multitude of lists are published with words and phrases to stop saying in the new year. Just Google “words to stop saying in 2017” to see the many lists published last December for this year. You’ll find many of the same…

3 tools PR professionals can’t live without

All professionals have specific tools that they need in order to do their job well. Plumbers, electricians and homebuilders are rarely without their tool belts, stocked with various wrenches, gauges and rulers, and architects and engineers no longer rely solely on paper and pencils to chart out their…