Our Blog

Eliminating filler words from your vocabulary

Think back to your all-time favorite speaker – maybe it’s a speaker at a TED Talk or your favorite comedian. Now, think about someone who could really use some speech assistance. What are some of the things that separate the great speakers from the adequate speakers in your…

A dream deferred can survive

“What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up, like a raisin in the sun?” These questions asked by prolific writer Langston Hughes describe the sentiments of those who left dreams unrealized while they went on with life based on reality. Some could no longer afford to…

When lip-syncing at your desk is actually acceptable

The days of being hampered down by a Walkman are long over (do kids even know what a walkman is now?). Music is easily accessible to us with the prominence of smart phones and laptop computers. I have both of these at my convenience at work every day,…

5 things to know about PR agency life

You will laugh, but when I was in college I actually said I would never work at a PR agency. I giggle at this myself when I realize it’s been almost eight years since I started at Obsidian! What a great decision I made back in 2008! But,…

Being politically correct in the workplace

Merriam-Webster defines ­being politically correct as “agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people.” But political correctness means more than just watching what you say and do. In an article…

Let’s play 20 questions

It’s cliché, but it’s true: the beginning of new client relationship is a crucial time period. For PR professionals, it’s a time when we work fast and furiously to absorb as much information as possible while simultaneously creating a written plan for success. (And, yes, that should be…

7 steps for ribbon-cutting event success

I’ve had the pleasure of working with many businesses to plan and execute their grand openings. There are many facets of PR strategy when it comes to opening a business, but my favorite is the official grand opening ribbon-cutting ceremony. This is one of the most important and…

Facebook isn’t for everyone

I have a confession. After work and on weekends, I avoid Facebook. It seems strange for someone who seems to live social media for several clients, but that’s actually the primary reason I avoid it. I’m on Facebook all day long. I’ve got 10 business pages to check…