Our Blog

Finding Creativity

Creativity is an important trait to possess in the PR profession. There are so many areas in which we need to input creativity, from brainstorming ideas to crafting content and from developing communication plans to pitching the media. And, it’s true that creative people can often deliver at…

Considering an acquisition?

Acquisition can be an attractive option for business owners interested in growing their business and expanding into new markets. While a successful acquisition can positively impact the bottom line, a poorly planned acquisition can greatly damage a company’s brand and leave the business in a worse position. In…

Planning for the big [acquisition] announcement

At Obsidian, we’ve assisted a number of clients through the process of an acquisition. For some, it’s a regular occurrence, happening multiple times within a year, and for which we follow a standard, proven path. But, we’ve also been there to help family-owned businesses navigate their first major…

Please stop… using these words in your statements

As we continue to call out some of the things PR people do that crush the credibility of the PR profession, I want to point out that most of these flubs can result from succumbing to the monotony of some of the tasks associated with our job. Yes,…

Please stop… mass-pitching reporters

The focus of this second post in our new series, “Please Stop” (intended to point out things some PR people do that give the rest of us a bad rap), is among the biggest fails on behalf of PR people: mass-pitching reporters. It’s a flop that continues to…

Summer Intern Spotlight: Carlee Smith

This summer, Obsidian’s Level 1 internship position will be filled by two outstanding PR students. Arkansas State University senior Carlee Smith is one of them! We wanted to get to know her a little more – and you can, too, as she is our team spotlight this month!…

Brand Management: What’s in a name?

A brand name encapsulates a brand’s reputation, its products or services, its people, the good it does, etc. Companies spend decades building a brand image, of which is entirely represented by the company moniker. A brand’s name is everything, and careful planning should be executed in not only…