Obsidian Public Relations

Ever wanted to tell ’em off?

How many of us have half jokingly declared, “On my last day at work, I’m going to…” and proceeded to describe how we would give our managers a piece of our minds, tell off those rude customers, do nothing all day or do any number of devious deeds,…

Take time to quiet the mind

After years in the consistently stressful discipline of PR, I’ve learned that downtime helps maintain sanity, pure and simple. That’s certainly not a profound or new thought, but one that’s especially important to me in my life. I’m sure the same could be said for other professions or…

One is the loneliest number…or is it?

In public relations, there are many approaches to building a client base. Some firms choose to focus their efforts on one niche – hospitality, city branding, retail, technology, etc. And they are very good at what they do. Others, like Obsidian, take a different approach by only working…

My holiday ‘Family PR’ plan

I have often joked about having to do “family PR,” but I’m taking it seriously this Thanksgiving, as I’ve decided to take my kids on a trek across three states to reunite with family members we haven’t seen in a while – some we haven’t seen in quite…

A little music = a lot of productivity…usually

If you’re like me, silence can be deafening. While I definitely appreciate silence for some activities – like sleeping – I almost always need some background noise for others. At Obsidian, we’re lucky to have a pretty open office. If someone asks a question, everyone else can answer…

The no ‘no comment’ rule

At Obsidian, one way that we really bring value to clients is through crisis management. In a time of crisis – large or small, internal or external – we work with the client to determine what should be said to key stakeholders (including media), how it should be…

The Speed of the Crisis Communication Game

On Oct. 28 during the Tennessee-South Carolina football game, South Carolina’s All-SEC running back Marcus Lattimore suffered only what can be identified as a gruesome leg injury in the second quarter. For the sake of the squeamish, I have not included a link to this clip. You can…

It’s been a little spooky around here!

Greetings and Happy Halloween! If you’ve been following us via Facebook or Twitter lately, you’ve seen that some serious specter shenanigans have been brewing over here the last few weeks. Our Obsidian ghosts have been busy providing some afterlife advice. Here’s a recap of the messages they’ve left…