Obsidian Public Relations

Stuck on the ‘Nay’ Train?

Recently, I was talking to a good friend of mine who started an independent product sales business about six months ago. She was explaining about the rut she had hit in her business development, and she thought she might have made a mistake in choosing to do this.…

How much is too much?

Show of hands – how many of us have those friends on Facebook who are over-sharers? Whether they are talking about that last taco they regret eating, their string of continuous bad dates, that very last beer they indulged in or other information that maaaybe we don’t really…

Step One: Plan

I used to think life was all about spontaneity. I still do, on some level. It always seems like the great stories are the ones that result from that time you intended to have a lazy movie night with friends in college, but on a whim, drove to…

How may I help you? My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by.

There are about a million different things one could “preach” in regard to customer service. There have been books written, lectures given and training customized for all different types of customer service scenarios. From an account manager perspective, our PR efforts don’t usually pan out well for clients…

The Cost of Being Nice – $11.50

You may have seen some of the morning news segments back in December about how several bars and restaurants across the country have used negative describers to identify their patrons. The ridiculous part is that once closing their tabs, the customers have the opportunity to see the negative…

Happy 7th Anniversary, Obsidian Public Relations!

Today marks a milestone for Obsidian Public Relations—our seventh anniversary! 2012 was a whirlwind year for our firm, with an expansion into another market, new clients and our first full year in our new office in South Main. Let’s recap: We moved into our digs at 493 S.…

How are people getting your news?

In the not-too-forgotten “old days,” people got their news from two places: the local newspaper and TV’s nightly newscasts. Now, we have so many places to look for news! Newspapers, magazines, TV, blogs – it’s almost information overload. Well, actually, according to some studies, we seem to be…

If PR were an animal, it would be a …

There is no single right or wrong answer to this metaphor (said any knowledgeable PR practitioner). A good argument could most likely be made for several different animals, as PR has many characteristics and strengths. However, I’m inclined to state a case for one possible answer here, and…