Obsidian Public Relations

Pitch Perfect

If you were hoping this was going to be a post about the recent announcement of Pitch Perfect 2 opening in May 2015, I am sorry to disappoint you. As one of my favorite comedies, I would like nothing better than to list my top five movie quotes…

Do you remember?

Let’s play a quick game. Feel free to grab a pen and paper, open a word doc or just use your head, but take a few minutes and write down or try to recall the biggest news stories of 2013. Yes, 2013, not 2014. Go ahead; I will…

#NoFilter: Leveraging Instagram to Increase Brand Recognition

With more than 200 million monthly active users and 55 million photos shared daily, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media apps today. Capitalizing on the popular trend of sharing visuals through social media, the completely photo/video based app has made the average smartphone user…

A Shoutout to Parents

A couple months ago, the Obsidian staff came together for a day-long annual retreat where we discussed a number of topics, including advice on handling some of the challenges we face on a daily basis, company updates, “guess that scary movie score,” how to work more efficiently, tools…

New Year, New You

So, every day I tell myself, “You’re going to make it to the gym, you’re going to make it happen today!” By the time I leave the office, at 5:45 (most nights), it’s already dark in Dallas and it’s winter, so my motivation to make it to the…

Gaining Traction on Twitter

Social media is one of the main ways people are getting their careers started, buzzing about their business, landing an interview and so much more. But sometimes, it is hard to gain followers and begin to be successful in the “Social Media World.” In the social media landscape,…

Jam Session, Party of One

Headphones. With this invention came the ability to get lost in your own little world and the freedom to listen to virtually any kind of music as you shut out the troubles of the world around you. Although early versions of headphones released around the turn of the…

What’s Next?

So this is my last blog post for 2014. As you read this, you are probably planning what you want to accomplish in 2015 and are wondering what the year will hold in store for you, your family, your business and your profession. And you are not alone.…

Transmissions and Proactivity

It happened on the way back from dropping my son at daycare. That dreaded dashboard indicator. That miniature messenger of malice. Like the “Bat Signal” fired up by Commissioner Gordon, it beams its bright yellow light at the most inopportune times – alerting everyone in the vehicle that…