
Building a visual identity – creating compelling graphics

Pause – If you haven’t already, check out our first blog post in this series. You can read it here.  In public relations, we often talk about crafting language or materials that tell a brand story. We associate certain words, phrases and concepts with the essence of a…

Blue-footed boobies aren’t the only things that evolve – let’s talk about language.

If you read Shakespeare in grammar school, then you at least subconsciously understand that language evolves over time. I highly doubt people are sliding into a prospective partners’ Tinder inbox with, “But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?” A much more modern (and less romantic) message might…

The lessons I’ve learned on acclimating to the PR industry!

Transitioning from a college student to an intern to an account assistant has made it apparent just how much there is to learn upon graduation and how imperative it is that you commit to lifelong learning in the public relations industry. The great thing about starting as an…

Meet our summer intern – Amelia!

There are a few things that signal to our team that summer is upon us (even if the calendar doesn’t say so until June 20). Increased ice cream consumption, days spent outdoors and the start of our new internship cycle are all markers of this wonderful time of…

The power of the pivot

I never thought I would live to see the day that I yearn to simply sit inside a restaurant and eat dinner (or breakfast or lunch, for that matter!). Being able to hop in the car, drive to my favorite eatery and enjoy a meal with a friend…