
Capturing the holiday magic on social media: authentic or cringeworthy?

What would the holidays be without brands capitalizing on/exploiting seasonal cheer? I don’t remember a world without red and green Hershey’s Kisses wrappers or a December commercial without faint sleigh bells in the distance. Honestly, for some people, over-the-top holiday spirit is half the fun – I mean,…

How to respond to an unfavorable review vs. an untruthful review

It’s a fact that in today’s society of swiping, typing, texting, instant messaging (and I could keep going with the -ings), people feel more empowered than ever to voice their opinion. And, the bandwidth and instantaneous nature of social media and other digital platforms give people easy access…

Don’t be afraid, be strategic!

The sheer mention of the word crisis can lead to immediate feelings of anxiety, stress and concern. And in a business environment, these feelings may be magnified tenfold. It’s understandable – crisis situations (and the way they’re handled) have the potential to make or break a company’s future.…

THINK before you post

At this point in the game, not having an active social media presence for your business is like having a pen but no paper to write on. We live in such a fast-paced, digital environment that social media outlets are essential when it comes to communicating with your…