Why should you recognize employee accomplishments?


Growing up, most of my free time was spent playing sports. If I wasn’t in the middle of a season, I was training for the next. Once I graduated high school, I thought I left my days on the field and court behind – and I did, in some ways.

In other ways, I hadn’t. I noticed the values and lessons I learned playing sports begin to overlap with my new role on my new team, Obsidian. As a player, I work with my fellow teammates for the success of the organization. When one of us succeeds, it’s a win for all of us. As I think back to the long drives home from basketball games and softball tournaments with my dad, I realize that my motivation then is the same as my motivation now. I remember our conversations about how the game went, where I shined and what I needed to work on. At the time, nothing mattered more than hearing “great game” from him.

Today, the same principle rings true – recognition is the lifeblood of any workplace. In fact, according to Forbes, recognition is the number one thing employees say their manager could give them to inspire great work. This type of acknowledgment lets employees know you see their hard work and appreciate them and their efforts. Recognition boosts morale, encourages friendly competition and gives a goal to strive for.

The best part – recognizing employee accomplishments doesn’t have to be expensive or costly. A study by Officevibe found that 82 percent of employees think it’s better to give someone praise than a gift. Not only does recognition encourage great work, it directly affects retention and turnover rates. A Forbes study found that companies with high-recognition culture had 31 percent less voluntary turnover rates.

Recognition is an easy way to let your employees know you care and you see them. Whether it’s a lunch on you to celebrate their tenure anniversary or a public acknowledgement of a job well-done at your next team meeting, employees love feeling appreciated. In return, they’ll feel inspired to continue the same caliber of work. After all…

“Recognition is the greatest motivator.” – Gerald C. Eakerdale