Our Blog

Holiday spots that… hit the spot

There’s nothing that screams “it’s the holiday season” quite like Andy Williams and American consumerism. Regardless of how you feel about the gifting rush, you have to give it to the clever marketers and advertising executives who spent the month of May crafting the perfect message to make…

Meetings: Love them or hate them, you’ve got to prepare (and other tips) 

Meetings, meetings and more meetings. Some people dread heavy meeting weeks while others thrive off of group discussion and planning. Leading successful meetings is a part of our job, and that success can be defined by outcomes following those meetings. Everyone has experienced the full spectrum of good…

Thankfulness in 2020 – part three

This blog post is part of a four-part series where our team shares how they're finding gratitude in 2020. If you'd like to read parts one or two click the corresponding links. Christina What 2020 has taught me is the importance of relationships. Minus my parents, my family…

OPR’s guide to the giving season

Have a notoriously difficult person on your holiday shopping list? No fear! Every year, Obsidian releases a gift guide that is guaranteed to impress even the person who already has everything, and this year, our team came through! From edible delights to philanthropic investments, there is something on…

Thankfulness in 2020 – part two

This blog post is part of a four-part series where our team shares how they're finding gratitude in 2020. If you'd like to read part one, you can do so here.  Taylor In September, my pastor gave a sermon about our perception of time, and one thing that…

Thankfulness in 2020 – part one

In a year when we have lost so much (from the irreplaceable to the inconvenient and everything in between), writing a seasonal post about thankfulness seems, at first thought, like an arduous affair at its worst and an irksome one at its least.  But after more reflection, it’s…

Stop. Give thanks, 2020 edition.

If you reflect on every holiday season you’ve had in your life, some memories are sweeter than others. Our lives oscillate between times of feast and famine, and the holiday season has a way of exacerbating the overall sentiment of the year.  Last year around this same time,…