public relations

The three A’s of crisis management

So, it happened… your organization just experienced a crisis situation. It’s quite common to feel a sudden onset of vigorous knots in your stomach combined with a growing lump in your throat. You know what I’m talking about – the kind of lump that develops when you’re trying…

Public relations is like a fine wine

Let’s talk wine for a bit. I’m not an avid wine drinker, but I appreciate a nice glass of red wine from time to time. As I was thinking about a lovely glass of Malbec I had, I wandered down a rabbit hole that I couldn’t help but…

Overcoming first meeting fears

Starting a conversation with a stranger has always been harrowing for me. If I know in advance I’m going into a conversation with someone I don’t know, it’s almost worse. But, mastering the art of conversation is crucial. The first impression you make on someone can shape your…

Employee policies that build rapport

THIS BLOG POST ORIGINALLY RAN ON THE GREATER MEMPHIS CHAMBER WEBSITE. VIEW THE ORIGINAL POST HERE.  As we mentioned in our first post of this series, a business’s employees are its most valuable asset. As such, employers should work diligently to create policies that build up employees as individuals…

What does CSR look like in practice?

This blog post originally ran on the Greater Memphis Chamber website. View the original post here.  Welcome back! We’re in the middle of a blog series designed to help emphasize the importance of developing and defining corporate culture. This blog post centers around corporate social responsibility, a hot…