Obsidian Public Relations

PR in the Not-For-Profit World

One of the things we take a lot of pride in is the number of not-for-profit clients that we work with. I currently handle five not-for-profit accounts, and each is unique and exciting in its own way. If you can’t intern at an agency, one of the best…

Are you easy? (To do business with, that is.)

I often have chats with my parents about my line of business, among other things. And it never fails that my father, a retired executive with a Fortune 100 company, wraps up the easy-going conversation with a golden nugget of wisdom to signal that the conversation is coming…

I have a confession to make

As a public relations professional (and, arguably, as an American citizen), it’s my duty to stay in the loop with what’s happening in my community and the world around me. I’m constantly plugged in to local, national and global news on a variety of topics. So at the…

School may be behind you, but the learning has only begun

Graduation day is around the corner, and I know several college students who just cannot wait to be done with school! I remember those days, although they are further back for me than I can believe sometimes, and I know how exciting it is to be going out…

You Can See My But(t) They are Handling It

So, here is a confession I have to make – in the last year or so, I have become more active with yoga as part of my exercise regime. It has been awesome. I am definitely stronger, more balanced and flexible. Heck, I even did a handstand not…

When you eat, they eat

Did you know that one in six North Americans will go hungry tonight? And, chances are, your child has a friend whose only meals are served to them right there in the cafeteria – breakfast and lunch. It’s hard to imagine that such deprivation exists in a nation…

Don’t forget us

If you ask a business owner to describe his or her most valuable asset, you would probably get a variety of answers. As someone who works for business owners, I would hope a lot of them would say their employees are their best assets! Lucky for me, I’ve…