Obsidian Public Relations

Green Marketing

Within the past 10 years, we have seen an obvious and dramatic trend reemerge from the 60s. Being environmentally responsible has become the cool thing to do and be seen doing. Instead of referring to people who care about the environment as “tree huggers” or “hippies,” many people…

How to Fascinate

A soon-to-be college senior, I mechanically perform the motions of student life. Attend class, do homework, eat, sleep, repeat. Like a robot, I struggle to break the mold of conventional routine. When faced with the task to search for the perfect summer internship, I feared I would be…

Stem Academy: An Experience of a Lifetime

Earlier this summer, I worked as a counselor at a summer camp called Stem Academy at The University of Memphis. The memories that I made while at the camp are some that I will carry with me forever. I met so many amazing people with awesome personalities. If…

Things to know about PR professionals

If you have a friend, family member, partner or spouse in the public relations profession, there are a few things that you should know about us before you judge our lifestyle. Some of this you may already know, but it hopefully will help you better understand who we…

A Deep-Fried PR Disaster

Poor Paula Deen. Within weeks, she went from high priestess of deep-fried food to pop culture pariah. She’s courted controversy before. (Remember that diabetes diagnosis/endorsement deal? Or her throw-down with Anthony Bourdain?). But she’s never seen anything quite like this. Earlier this summer, Deen testified under oath during…

A PR Problem

Paula Deen has a PR problem. At some point Tiger Woods and Martha Stewart have had PR problems. You could even argue that the New England Patriots have a PR problem, what with all their players being arrested for various things. But what is a PR problem, really?…

It’s Summer Time!

Summer is finally here! The good thing is that there is an endless amount of activities to do in Dallas. Personally, I am tired of the whole “bar scene” in Dallas, so finding different and unique alternatives is just what I need. Here are just a few to…

Embrace Your Nerdiness!

Merriam-Webster.com’s opening definition of a nerd reads “an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person,” and to that, I object! The website follows that definition with a second, more acceptable description: “one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits.” Now that is more spot-on, and with that definition in…