Obsidian Public Relations

My Top 5 Reads for PR professionals

Being in the high-speed world of public relations, the luxury of having time to search for the perfect book is rare. I am here to help! I ventured through the shelves at the Booksellers at Laurelwood and did some additional research by reading online reviews to discover my…

Marissa Mayer and Vogue – appropriate or not?

The debate continues on whether Marissa Mayer’s controversial photo in Vogue is or is not business faux pas. Here’s the response from Crissy Lintner, managing director for our Dallas division. Crissy’s Take: Does Marissa Mayer have a lot to prove? You bet she does. But what caused the…

Marissa Mayer and Vogue – appropriate or not?

Marissa Mayer made headlines last week when announcements came about her sexy Vogue photo spread and article. Across the PR industry, experts were weighing in, and at Obsidian, opinions vary. Today and tomorrow, we’ll share two opposing viewpoints from our firm. The first comes from Courtney Ellett, owner…

Appreciate what you have before it’s gone

One of the many reasons I decided to get into PR is because I like people, like interacting with people and fancy myself at communicating well with people. Prior to getting into PR, I waited tables, worked at a call center and a spa in a four-star hotel,…

Life is like a country song

A while back, I was in my car on the way home when one of my favorite country songs came on the radio. I’m not exactly sure why, but as I listened and shamelessly sang aloud, I thought: “I know everyone doesn’t appreciate this song like I do.…

Back to Basics: Body Language 101

Behind our fancy computers, smartphones and eloquent writing skills lie the most basic and sometimes forgotten communication technique: body language. While body language may seem like an intuitive response in certain professional settings, no one is immune to dreary days when our emotions can be clearly read on…

A New Face for RadioShack

By now, I’m sure many of you have forgotten about the Fort Worth-based store, RadioShack. I know I had (and I was born and raised in Fort Worth!). They’ve gotten lost among companies like Best Buy, Apple, Google and even Amazon – companies that are more “hip,” if…