Obsidian Public Relations

What is this workout you speak of?

Between an 8-to-5 job and technology that makes bringing work home possible, it’s getting harder and harder for people to find time to work out during the workday. It seems the terms “work out” and “exercise” are becoming obsolete vernacular in some offices. This can be detrimental to…


We’ve all seen it. The email that comes through that goes something like this: NoReply@InsertCompanyNameHere.com. Way to make a person feel important, right? Well, this happened to me recently, and I took it personally because it was from a local nonprofit I support. We have a family membership…

The Analytical Side of PR

Like many communications professionals, math is not exactly my strong suit. I might have even chosen to major in public relations because the coursework only required two math classes. I mean…maybe. I love my job because I love to write. What I didn’t know (and didn’t learn) in…

Rah, rah, ree – Way to go team!

There are many things that I love about our team at Obsidian. First of all, they are some of the smartest individuals I know. I’m highly confident in our ability to really rock it for all of our clients. Our team is also made up of some of…

Beware the scare (tactics, that is)

My 13-year-old called me around 4 p.m. awhile back in absolute hysterics. She was crying so furiously that I couldn’t understand her. My heart sank, and the worst possible things were flooding my mind. After my brain started working again, I asked her to slow down (PLEASE!) and…

Extra! Extra! Read All About It

A while back, I was having a chat with a reporter buddy of mine, and he started a conversation about the public relations industry and PR professionals he works with on a regular basis. He said it is frustrating the number of times he receives pitches about stories…

It’s not what you say, but how you say it.

If you’ve ever spent any significant amount of time around a PR person, journalist or anyone else who writes for the media, you may have heard of AP style. It stands for “Associated Press” style, and it’s meant to guide media writers through some of the more tricky…