
The little things make a big difference

Right now, I’m battling a springtime cold. So is our Dallas account manager, Kristen. It’s also a busy month for all of our clients, so we’re rockin’ and rollin’ in our office this week – ain’t nobody got time for a cold! ;) Now, don’t judge, but we…

Which comes first?

I was ironing the kids’ school clothes recently and had Casino Royale on in the background. Usually, I tune out commercials pretty well, but all of a sudden, I heard one that heartily touted a company’s two-hour service window. No, it was more than that. The entire commercial…

If it’s worth a response, think it through

It was a day like any other day in the late 80s/early 90s, and since it was a day that ended in the letter ‘Y’, my little brother and I were fighting. While growing up, we were constantly fighting. Someone did this, someone took that, someone looked at…

Breaking bad… News, that is.

The other day, an interesting email came across my inbox. For privacy purposes, I’ve removed names: Subject: [Name of Person] Resignation To Whom It May Concern: [Name], our COO, has resigned.  Please erase her contact information. We will let you know when we have found a replacement COO.…

Step One: Plan

I used to think life was all about spontaneity. I still do, on some level. It always seems like the great stories are the ones that result from that time you intended to have a lazy movie night with friends in college, but on a whim, drove to…

How may I help you? My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by.

There are about a million different things one could “preach” in regard to customer service. There have been books written, lectures given and training customized for all different types of customer service scenarios. From an account manager perspective, our PR efforts don’t usually pan out well for clients…

What’s on your reading list?

PR is a constantly evolving practice. How we did our jobs five years ago is quite different from how we do them now. It can seem frustrating at times to have to keep up with all the new developments, but aren’t we glad that other professions evolve: like…