
From Texas to Australia: Office etiquette for wherever you may be

It doesn’t matter where in the world your office or meeting is held, there are a number of universal, unwritten rules that define office etiquette. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your career is not understanding the difference between professionalism and the lack thereof. Below…

Life after college: A few tips for adjusting to the ‘real world’

As a recent graduate of Louisiana State University, the transition from college life to the so-called real world has been a reality check. Thinking back to the past two weeks since graduation, I’ve discovered some of the realities that I’d like share with you about this life transition.…

Are you easy? (To do business with, that is.)

I often have chats with my parents about my line of business, among other things. And it never fails that my father, a retired executive with a Fortune 100 company, wraps up the easy-going conversation with a golden nugget of wisdom to signal that the conversation is coming…

School may be behind you, but the learning has only begun

Graduation day is around the corner, and I know several college students who just cannot wait to be done with school! I remember those days, although they are further back for me than I can believe sometimes, and I know how exciting it is to be going out…

Don’t forget us

If you ask a business owner to describe his or her most valuable asset, you would probably get a variety of answers. As someone who works for business owners, I would hope a lot of them would say their employees are their best assets! Lucky for me, I’ve…

Don’t let them have the milk for free

Last week, the following photo was posted on my newsfeed by an artist friend of mine: Now, I am sure there are plenty of public relations and advertising professionals, graphic designers, musicians, carpenters, roofers and many others who can relate to this…

Getting a running start

Catie Cannon is a senior at Westminster Academy in Memphis. After being accepted into the College of Communication at The University of Texas at Austin, Catie spent a day at Obsidian PR shadowing our team in action. Here’s a quick glance at some of what she learned. So…

The little things make a big difference

Right now, I’m battling a springtime cold. So is our Dallas account manager, Kristen. It’s also a busy month for all of our clients, so we’re rockin’ and rollin’ in our office this week – ain’t nobody got time for a cold! ;) Now, don’t judge, but we…

My First Intern Spot

Starting the year off with an intern position with Obsidian is a relief. After having numerous interviews with employers and filling out tons of applications, I was excited about my first opportunity to use my degree in public relations at the Memphis firm. My first week was amazing.…

Stuck on the ‘Nay’ Train?

Recently, I was talking to a good friend of mine who started an independent product sales business about six months ago. She was explaining about the rut she had hit in her business development, and she thought she might have made a mistake in choosing to do this.…