
Your Personal Brand

During my senior year of college, I took a required (and pivotal) class in the public relations program – it was called Style and Design in Public Relations Messages. I knew the class was going to be tough – we would be learning HTML code, using Adobe Photoshop…

How to Optimize Your YouTube Presence

While I have been an avid consumer of YouTube videos for years, I had never posted any videos on YouTube until I started working with clients who did. Needless to say, my ears always perk up when I come across advice for improving one’s YouTube presence. I recently…

What’s in a name? I’m going to guess, more than you think.

A few weeks ago, I attended my first two Obsidian new client meetings. In both meetings, during introductions, our clients inquired about the firm’s name. Kerri Guyton, the director of client services, confidently explained that our name is a metaphor of the natural forming rock, obsidian. She explained…

Which Super Bowl ad was your favorite?

Whether you paid attention to the Super Bowl game or not, you’ve probably seen this year’s ads a time or two by now. Despite the outcome of Super Bowl XLVIII, this year’s ads made us laugh, tugged on our emotions, left us thinking “what did that even mean?”…

Tag, You’re It.

Hashtags. We get it. To some, they are all the rage. To others, they are just a fad. And to even others, well, they just don’t get their purpose. Even Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake had another video go viral showing just how extreme and ridiculous they can…

A New Face for RadioShack

By now, I’m sure many of you have forgotten about the Fort Worth-based store, RadioShack. I know I had (and I was born and raised in Fort Worth!). They’ve gotten lost among companies like Best Buy, Apple, Google and even Amazon – companies that are more “hip,” if…

Green Marketing

Within the past 10 years, we have seen an obvious and dramatic trend reemerge from the 60s. Being environmentally responsible has become the cool thing to do and be seen doing. Instead of referring to people who care about the environment as “tree huggers” or “hippies,” many people…

Which comes first?

I was ironing the kids’ school clothes recently and had Casino Royale on in the background. Usually, I tune out commercials pretty well, but all of a sudden, I heard one that heartily touted a company’s two-hour service window. No, it was more than that. The entire commercial…