Our Blog

Baby Talk

When you have a newborn in the house, it’s funny how everything sort of filters through the little bundle of joy. And, depending on how much sleep you’ve gotten the past few nights, this can either be a good thing or quite the obstacle! I won’t make this…

Sincerity Shows

I recently caught the end of a show on National Geographic about why humans lie and how easy it is to spot someone who is lying. It got me to thinking about everyday conversations in the workplace and the importance of showing sincerity to our co-workers, clients and…

The F-bomb will never land you a job

Each time I do a round of interviews with college students and new graduates, I am always amazed by the lack of interviewing skills and the missing sense of professionalism exhibited by these candidates in particular. I understand that professionalism, to some degree, is learned in the first…

Newsletter News

How many newsletters do you view daily? Being in the public relations industry, I sign up for every newsletter I can, so my inbox is full of them. Most of the time, I just skim through, but there are a handful I read every day. An online newsletter…

How to Manage Deadline Stress in PR

When we all have those whirlwind weeks, it’s important to remember the key ways to manage deadlines and the stress associated with those deadlines. As PR professionals, every day we are faced with deadline stress when we are trying to pitch an editorial piece, achieve key targets and…

PR Consulting

When it comes to public relations services, there are a slew of areas that immediately come to most people’s minds: media relations, internal communications, copywriting, crisis communication and speechwriting. But, there is one particular PR service that many people gloss over or take for granted: consulting. In our…

A Love-Hate Relationship with Conference Calls

If you have been on the Internet in the past few months, odds are you’ve seen this video called “A Conference Call in Real Life.” The video is funny if you’ve ever been on a conference call. It’s a facepalm moment for people like me who are on…