Our Blog

Summer Intern Spotlight: Jenna Mehmed

This summer, Obsidian’s Level 1 internship position will be filled by two outstanding PR students. University of Memphis senior Jenna Mehmed is one of them! We wanted to get to know her a little more – and you can, too, as she is our team spotlight this month!…

When is it time to rebrand?

Generally speaking, there isn’t a set time limit to maintain any specific brand image. A brand that was thoughtfully developed may continue to be applicable and relevant to the growing business and the ever-changing marketplace for decades. However, there will most likely be a time within the lifespan…

Meet the newest Obsidianite: Christina Babu!

Christina recently joined Obsidian after practicing the public relations trade in a number of industries – including architecture, tourism, nonprofit, music and the performing arts – both in Memphis and New York City, where she earned her master’s degree in public relations and corporate communications. Once destined for…

Words we would love to see retired in 2017

At the end of each year, a multitude of lists are published with words and phrases to stop saying in the new year. Just Google “words to stop saying in 2017” to see the many lists published last December for this year. You’ll find many of the same…

ServiceMaster by Stratos focuses on culture to maintain employee retention

In an industry known for triple-digit employee turnover, professional janitorial service provider ServiceMaster by Stratos has maintained record low turnover. President and CEO Stacy McCall believes that’s directly related to a purposeful focus on a positive employee culture. “Our employees are the frontline of our business, and it’s…

Office Culture: Ordered or Organic?

Don’t call it a buzzword – discussions on “company culture” have only just begun! But with so many companies, both big and small, turning their focus toward cultivating a culture that’s both attractive to employees and productive for clients and customers, the questions arise: How do we cultivate…