customer service

Whose job is it anyway?

We’ve all been there. Whether in a supermarket, hotel, airline ticket desk, restaurant or on a company helpline, we as customers experience countless opportunities every day for good service. Yes, good service. There are so many ways for a company to meet expectations or even – gasp! –…

“Above and beyond”

It’s a phrase every employee hears at some point in his or her career from leadership. “We expect you to go above and beyond” or “We need you to go above and beyond on this project!” That phrase can oftentimes be perceived as stay late, work harder, do…

Navigating the Waters of the Client Testimonial

Word-of-mouth marketing has been a proven business generator since the beginning of time. In 2012, Nielsen put numbers behind this by finding in its Global Trust in Advertising report that 92 percent of consumers around the world say they trust recommendations from friends and family above all other…

Hey, customer! Take a chill pill!

OK, so while this may be what’s coming to mind as you open your mouth to diffuse an emotional customer, good communication skills will filter this statement into something pleasantly soothing and magically transformative. Some may claim that performing magic would be easier than pleasantly responding to an…

Is that in my job description?

When you have a working relationship with a PR, advertising or marketing firm, the expectation is that their work will result in more people becoming aware of your organization and possibly becoming actual clients. What we stress to potential and current clients is that our efforts could send…