
Coloring Outside the Lines

There are an abundance of rules when it comes to working in the public relations field. Some are written and strictly kept inside of an ever-updating AP Stylebook, and others are unspoken and passed down from employee to employee in an agency. There are rules for writing, editing,…

Why you need to know who’s who

The topic of my blog post applies to more than only public relations professionals. It applies to anyone in a profession that requires a person to be connected to the community and stay current on what’s going on, who’s doing and saying what, the political landscape and how…

Your Personal Brand

During my senior year of college, I took a required (and pivotal) class in the public relations program – it was called Style and Design in Public Relations Messages. I knew the class was going to be tough – we would be learning HTML code, using Adobe Photoshop…

The F-bomb will never land you a job

Each time I do a round of interviews with college students and new graduates, I am always amazed by the lack of interviewing skills and the missing sense of professionalism exhibited by these candidates in particular. I understand that professionalism, to some degree, is learned in the first…

Newsletter News

How many newsletters do you view daily? Being in the public relations industry, I sign up for every newsletter I can, so my inbox is full of them. Most of the time, I just skim through, but there are a handful I read every day. An online newsletter…

PR Consulting

When it comes to public relations services, there are a slew of areas that immediately come to most people’s minds: media relations, internal communications, copywriting, crisis communication and speechwriting. But, there is one particular PR service that many people gloss over or take for granted: consulting. In our…

R&R: Relationships and Reputation

Pull out your old college textbook and the definition of public relations might say something like “managing relationships with various publics or stakeholders.” In 2012, the Public Relations Society of America revised an earlier definition from a few decades ago and stated that public relations is “a strategic…

The Transition: College to Corporate

Since starting my internship at Obsidian PR, I have realized that although college has taught me a lot of things, it has not prepared me for everything afterward. College has given me the essential tools needed, but now, I just need to figure out how to fully apply…

The First Internship: Testing the Waters

“Top 10 Intern Mistakes.” This is the title of the first article I came across when researching advice for summer interns. At first, I thought I would just write a blog post similar to it, listing the best ways to impress your boss and coworkers and build your resume. But, after…