
Public Relations is like…(Take 2)

Sometimes things just have to “click” with people before they can truly understand and then fully embrace that idea or take action because of it. As I reflect back on my academic career, I’m reminded of many instances where this proved true for me. For example, I’m close…

Pitch Perfect

If you were hoping this was going to be a post about the recent announcement of Pitch Perfect 2 opening in May 2015, I am sorry to disappoint you. As one of my favorite comedies, I would like nothing better than to list my top five movie quotes…

Do you remember?

Let’s play a quick game. Feel free to grab a pen and paper, open a word doc or just use your head, but take a few minutes and write down or try to recall the biggest news stories of 2013. Yes, 2013, not 2014. Go ahead; I will…

Gaining Traction on Twitter

Social media is one of the main ways people are getting their careers started, buzzing about their business, landing an interview and so much more. But sometimes, it is hard to gain followers and begin to be successful in the “Social Media World.” In the social media landscape,…

Not Your Average Cover Letter

“The grandest seduction of all is the myth that doing everything better gets us where we want to be. It gets us somewhere, certainly, but not anywhere worth being.” ― Shauna Niequist As my journey as an intern comes to a close, my human nature keeps leaping to…

Slow Down

If you’re like me, sometimes you just need to slow down. Are you kidding? Have you seen my To-Do list? While this might seem impossible, or better yet impractical on first glance, work with me here. I consider myself a recovering people pleaser and Myers-Briggs once called me…

All career paths begin with an internship

Starting a career right out of college is getting more difficult these days. Figuring out where to start and who to start with are hard questions to ask yourself at 22 years old. When I graduated this past May with a Journalism degree, it scared me to the…