
Public relations’ potential impact is limitless, but results can be limited

The potential impact of a strong public relations campaign is limitless. You can seismically shift public opinion, deeply endear employees to a company or start a social justice movement when PR tactics are executed perfectly. But there are just some things that PR can’t accomplish or challenges we…

A seat at the table

Imagine your board room during a crucial business meeting and visualize who is in attendance. Your attorney, financial advisor and c-suite executives are likely present. Is someone from your PR or communication team seated at the table? When you make decisions that impact your business it is crucial…

Handling mistakes with grace

As public relations professionals, we strive for perfection (who here is a self-proclaimed perfectionist?!). We’re merely human, though, so expecting everything to turn out perfectly as planned is not based in reality. In fact, it’s often our own mistakes that cause campaigns, relationships and opportunities to sidetrack and…

Why we love our clients

When you look at Obsidian’s client roster, you’ll see a list of reputable, recognizable regional and national names. But, what you won’t see is a list of talented business professionals at these organizations who we work with every day. So many of them make our job a breeze…

OPR spotlight: Kelli Brignac

Six years ago our team welcomed Kelli Brignac to Obsidian, and we haven’t looked back since. Kelli is Obsidian’s only telecommuting employee, but you’d never know she was away because of her stellar work ethic and communication skills. Kelli is a model executive, and we’re proud to have…