Why in the world would you hire a PR agency?

Right off the bat, there are a number of answers that can be given for this question:

  1. Your company is experiencing (or is about to experience) a crisis
  2. You have a special event or product launch coming up
  3. You just want to get more exposure for your brand.

While these are all great reasons to hire a PR firm, there are also many benefits to partnering with a PR firm on an ongoing basis.

Third-party perspective

Again and again, we hear clients say how much they value the outside perspective we bring to the table. While we dig in deep and get know our clients as intimately as possible, we aren’t limited to the vision and experiences of any one client, company or industry. 

Fresh ideas

Additionally, our varied experience – and creative predispositions – allow us to provide a plethora of fresh ideas to our clients. It can be challenging for a corporate marketing director to find unique ways to promote an event the company’s been hosting for decades. It’s also easy to fall into a pattern of launching every new product in the same way. Additionally, brands can get stuck in a rut of pushing out the same messages to the same audiences. But a partner PR firm like Obsidian is tasked with constantly generating creative ideas, so we are always looking for fresh, new ways to promote the brand.

Bench depth

While most valuable to smaller companies/organizations, all of our clients reap the benefits of having access to as many 13 PR people when needed. Be it for a brainstorming session or a street-team tactic prior to an opening or event, our entire team can be mobilized at the drop of a hat to get the job done. For many of our one-person marketing department clients, our team allows them to achieve much more than they could ever accomplish alone on a day-to-day basis.

Filling in the gaps

For many of our retainer clients, we provide services in a specific niche of their department. For example, we are the media relations department for many of our clients who don’t have time to cultivate relationships with and consistently push story ideas to media. We also fulfill roles in social media, website management, email marketing, event planning and a host of other necessary “positions” within their PR and marketing department.

Entrenchment into the brand

One of the most valuable benefits of an ongoing relationship with a PR firm is the opportunity for entrenchment into the brand. At Obsidian, we are passionate about cementing ourselves into the company, knowing the brand like the back of our hands and being as accessible as someone just down the hall. And once entrenched, our clients don’t want to let us go. We become part of the team – just like in-house staff – and they come to rely on our insight and depth of skill set. We help them get the job done, and they are happy to tell others why in the world they partner with us!