A PR Audit: Worth its weight in gold

When you’re stuck in a rut, hit paralysis by analysis, or simply can’t make another decision, seeking outside input can be what you need to get rolling again. That’s what a PR audit provides – third-party input on your organization’s comprehensive PR package and recommendations to take it to new heights. While that sounds great, many prospective clients want to know: What will I get from an audit? The answer is unique to each organization, but looking at the process can help explain the value an audit provides. 

A comprehensive look back. 

We all want to be unbiased observers capable of analyzing our past campaigns without a colored perspective. But it’s impossible to put aside the time, energy and effort that went into a project when reviewing its outputs and outcomes. A crisis response analysis is tainted by the tough meetings you attended to get those messages out. A social media assessment is inevitably influenced by the after-hours events you attend to gather Instagram Reels content. Having someone from the outside review your materials objectively and holistically provides insight detached from the background work – because the public is rarely privy to the time and effort distributing PR elements takes. Knowing how things appear from someone with PR expertise and no background knowledge is invaluable in understanding your current positioning. 

An honest opinion on efficacy. 

It’s easy to determine if an ad resulted in clicks. Platforms are designed to help organizations evaluate campaign success. But how do you evaluate if a language shift changed how people engaged with your business? Or whether a media campaign created a meaningful engagement with your online profiles? As your partner works through your content, they can connect dots and draw connections that you may miss because you’re deep in the work every day. This information is invaluable in creating a plan and demonstrating which directions to follow and abandon.

Application of best practices. 

Considering social media trends shift with the wind, it’s easy to get behind on implementing best practices. Through your comprehensive analysis, your partner can identify areas to strengthen by integrating new strategies and tactics that align with industry trends. Sometimes, the reason why something didn’t work well doesn’t hinge on language or message, but a slight shift to align the output method with best  practices makes a big difference. 

Building a plan for the future. 

From here, it’s a simple equation. Evaluation + data on efficacy + identification of how to integrate best practices = a PR plan for the future. A PR practitioner can use the audit information to beautifully weld campaign ideas that honor your organization’s past while differentiating content for the future.

Think you could benefit from an audit? We do, too! When you find yourself at a branding crossroads, connect with us for advice on how to proceed. We’ll walk alongside you as you set a new course.

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