Meet our new Obsidianite, Taylor McCormick!
We’ve got a new member on our full-time team at Obsidian PR! Taylor McCormick joined our team as an account assistant at the firm this spring after moving to Memphis from Nashville, Tennessee. So, let’s get to know her a little better!
Memphis is quite a bit different than the South Florida beach town where you grew up. What drew you to our city?
Saying that Memphis is different from South Florida would be an understatement! But, my decision to leave the beach was a somewhat easy one. I would describe my upbringing as “Southern” even though the culture of my hometown had a predominantly Northern feel. When I went to Auburn, I found myself connecting to the people around me in a more meaningful way than I had in Florida, leading me to pursue career opportunities in the Southeast upon graduation. The first city I landed in was Nashville, and though I loved the food and exciting atmosphere, I found the home of country music didn’t feel like my forever home. I began taking trips to visit college friends and my boyfriend in Memphis, and I fell in love with the hard-working attitude of Memphians. That culture was something that I instantly connected with and wanted to join, so I began seeking opportunities to move and found Obsidian! Since my move, I have fallen for Memphis even more, and I attribute a lot of that love to the work I do with Obsidian. It is easy to love a city when you work every day to support the businesses that make this community special!
If you could spend a day doing anything, what would it be?
My ideal morning would start at 7 a.m. with a big cup of coffee and an hour spent with a great book! Then, I’d probably lay out by the pool or go shopping, depending upon the weather. For me to feel like the day is complete, I’d need to get some sort of exercise! So, I would go for a run on the river or through some of my favorite neighborhoods. After my run, I’d love to spend the evening cooking a meal that I could share with my loved ones! And, to cap it all off, I would finish my day by enjoying a glass of wine and listening to my favorite pastime – talk radio.
You have a self-professed love of podcasts. What three podcasts do we need to tune into/download right now?
I actively listen to 12 weekly podcasts, and many more sporadically, so choosing only three is difficult! But, my current recommendations would be:
- Saw Bones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine – This show features a comic and a doctor who happen to be husband and wife. They look at medical ailments and talk about the history of treatment dating back to, well, as far back as documentation exists!
- Strangers – I think the web description says it best, “Each episode is an empathy shot in your arm, featuring true stories about the people we meet, the connections we make, the heartbreaks we suffer, the kindnesses we encounter and those frightful moments when we discover that WE aren’t even who we thought we were.”
- FiveThirtyEight Elections – In a world where politics are constantly impacted by slant, it’s nice to hear about the one thing that doesn’t have bias – numbers. This political podcast focuses on the realities of the presidential race based strictly upon polling numbers. I have learned a lot about the primary races, presidential history and polling through listening to this podcast!
As an Auburn University grad, you’re adding to our football season rivalries this fall here at Obsidian. How do you like working with Bulldogs, Razorbacks and the other Tigers among us?
(For anyone who isn’t aware, those are mascots for Mississippi State, University of Arkansas, University of Memphis and Louisiana State University)