Being Organized and Flexible

I’ll be the first one to admit it – I’m not good with plans that change at the last minute. If I’m in the middle of a project and then am asked to work on something urgent, it takes me a minute to get through an inner freak-out and process the change in plans. If I’m meeting friends for dinner but they decide last-minute to cancel, you’ll find me in a bit of a bummed-out tizzy. It’s safe to say that I like to have structure, an itinerary and a to-do list at all times, and when my list suddenly flies out of the window, I have to learn to roll with it.

Sometimes, a change in plans is out of the blue and cannot be predicted. However, when prioritizing time at work and setting goals and an agenda for each day, planning for any surprising turn of events is a smart and realistic approach to planning. Here are a few of my Type-A personality organizational tips that will help keep even the most inflexible person (yours truly) sane in the fast-paced world of PR:


Even a rigid, live-and-die-by-the-to-do-list person (like me) can learn to be flexible at the necessary times. All it takes is a little organization, a deep breath and the confidence you need to get the job done!