Why your organization needs a PR pro instead of an AI bot 

Struggling to think of ideas for your brand’s social media channels or website content? It can be tempting to turn to ChatGPT, Bing AI and other artificial intelligence programs for quick and easy content. But did you know the information you get from an AI system is not original and could make you liable for content you can’t verify? Or, that submitting your company’s data to AI could inadvertently share proprietary information with the world? We’ve compiled a list of reasons a PR team brings more value (and security) to your organization than AI resources.

We craft unique content.

The most important thing to keep in mind with content writing is originality. A PR partner crafts content for your brand using their own research and skillset, whereas chatbots are proven to reuse content found in news articles. This might not seem like a big deal, but it could hinder your website’s performance, as Google prioritizes original content as it scans for AI-generated data.

We keep it confidential.

Launching an exclusive product that’s the first of its kind? You’ll want to own the launch narrative and determine who gets the first look. If you allow a bot to write your media pitch or announcement materials, there’s no guarantee the information fed to the AI platform will remain confidential. A PR partner will ensure no information is leaked or publicized without being ready. 

We add a personalized touch.

Content generated by AI tools can sound and feel robotic. Sure, you can enter the tone you’re striving for and facts about your organization, but a human can truly understand the audience you are trying to reach. When it comes to media pitching, general content development or social media writing, PR professionals are the ones who work to build audience relationships. We know what information reporters look for, what your followers want to see on Instagram and how to provide relevant content to Google searchers. 

We are ethical.

You must be careful if you want a chatbot to write blog posts for your brand. Bots pull information from other websites, calling into question whether the content is truly original. The U.S. Copyright Office does not register works written by AI tools, so you could get into trouble with copyright law, which is an expensive and difficult process to navigate. With a PR professional developing your content, you can sleep peacefully knowing everything you have full ownership of the content shared. 

At Obsidian, we don’t use generative artificial intelligence in our work. Human touch and perspective add value and insight you won’t be able to replicate with a bot. If you’re ready to ditch ChatGPT and partner with a PR firm, connect with us today!