Inside OPR

Staff spotlight – Courtney Ellett

Our fearless leader is this month’s staff spotlight! For nearly 13 years, Courtney has led Obsidian Public Relations, positioning the firm as the region’s largest public relations firm. But, that’s not all she does! She’s a mother of four and an all-around busy lady! Learn more about Courtney in this month’s staff spotlight.

Taking the very first step to opening Obsidian was a game-changer for me personally and professionally. I’m still in disbelief that I had that kind of moxie at 29. Maybe it was naivete, come to think of it.

Well, I’m going to cheat on this question a little bit because there are just too many “good” moments in my personal life. I feel most proud as a person when I see my children (I have four!) be kind to others, work hard and laugh out loud. Small and unexpected moments hold great joy for me.

Really, it would look a lot like my life now, but maybe with a little more travel, additional downtime for myself and zero mosquitoes in Memphis.   

The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix most definitely! I finished it in less than a week. And the fact that I love it so much is odd – I hate “scary” anything. But this series is so much more than jump scares and a spooky old house in the woods. It’s about family and all of the joys and torment that come along with the idea of family. I’m now counting the days until Stranger Things 3 is released!  

Find a mentor early on in college and then cram valuable internships in before you graduate.

I’m currently obsessed with funny cat videos, which I sometimes indulge in with my young sons before we go to bed. Good clean fun.