Summer Intern Spotlight: Jenna Mehmed

This summer, Obsidian’s Level 1 internship position will be filled by two outstanding PR students. University of Memphis senior Jenna Mehmed is one of them! We wanted to get to know her a little more – and you can, too, as she is our team spotlight this month!

Position at Obsidian: Level 1 Intern

College attending: The University of Memphis

Graduation date: May 2018

Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee

Why Obsidian? One of my sorority sisters, Kelly Cook, interned at Obsidian this past spring. We are both PR majors, and she kept raving about how wonderful her internship was. She explained that Obsidian is a close-knit community and that it has a great environment to learn and hone PR skills. I became curious and checked out the website, which led to me applying for the Level I Internship. After I had the phone interview with Lauren Hannaford, I knew it was the place that I wanted to be this summer.

What you are most looking forward to about this internship: The hands-on experience and the opportunity to work with such a great team!

Favorite sports team(s): Memphis Grizzlies! (At my sorority’s spring formal, I literally sat at the bar and watched the game that was on most of the night!)

Favorite summer vacation spot: I like exploring different cities. A few summers ago, I went to NYC for the first time, and it was so fun!

Late-nighter or early riser? Early riser, even though I love to sleep in whenever I get the chance! I always find that it’s refreshing to wake up and go for a run while the sun is coming up – it’s a great feeling to already have completed something right at the start of my day!

Pets? A kitty named Charlie Chaplin! I found him when he was abandoned as a kitten four years ago. He is my whole world. My mom also has a family dog that I’ve grown up with since seventh grade. His name is Cody, and he is a Brittany Spaniel.

Favorite movie: I’m more of a TV show kind of gal, so I’d say “Criminal Minds.” If I had to choose a movie though, it would be “Remember the Titans.”

Favorite book: “Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur

Most recent album/song downloaded: I really like the song “Take It All Back” by Judah and the Lion! Also, the last full album I downloaded was Taylor Swift’s “1989” album.

Something you always keep in your fridge: White milk. It’s honestly all I ever drink when I’m at home. Weird, I know!

Favorite item in your closet: A pair of black, Nine West heels! They are so feminine, classy and comfortable… Plus, they go with everything!

What’s for dinner tonight?  If I’m going home, I’d probably make pasta with ground meat and garlic bread. If I’m going out, I’d go to Babalu Tapas & Tacos and grab a chopped salad with chicken skewers and a side of guacamole!