4 ways a blog can benefit your business

Having a digital presence in today’s world is essential for businesses across all industries. Take websites, for example. According to Forbes, 71% of businesses currently have one. To be honest, I’m shocked the percentage is not higher. Providing consumers with online information they can access easily is crucial to build legitimacy, and arguably, success. Depending on your goals, taking your website a step further by adding a blog could prove to be impactful. Let’s walk through a few ways your business can benefit from a blog. 

Become a subject matter expert.

Sharing blog posts that speak to your offerings helps establish your organization as a subject matter expert. When existing customers read the content, they will be reassured that they have tapped the right vendor. This builds the level of trust that is needed for long-lasting partnerships. Potential customers will easily be able to gather information on your expertise and get a better understanding of the services you provide, as well.

Grow your social media presence.

The job is not done after you add posts to the blog. You have to promote them. One way to do this is by sharing links on your business’s social media pages or even your personal social media pages if that makes sense for the brand. Including links in your posts can increase post engagement through clicks, which in turn can increase post reach. 

Increase overall website traffic.

A HubSpot study reported businesses with a blog see 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. The more link clicks the social posts I mentioned above receive, the more website traffic you will get, of course.

Enhance your SEO.
SEO stands for search engine optimization. In short, SEO is the process of improving your website to increase its visibility in search engine results. For example, if you own an Italian restaurant, you want your establishment to be at the top of the search results when someone in your area searches, “Italian restaurants near me.” To do this, you must incorporate keywords that are relevant to your business in website copy. For this example, words like “Italian restaurant” or “Italian restaurant in Memphis, Tennessee” are good starting points. The words that make up your blog posts count as website copy, making it much easier to up your search engine ranking.

Need assistance determining if a blog is right for your business? Interested in learning more about how a blog can be beneficial to your brand? Your friends here at Obsidian are here to help you navigate the ever-changing digital waters.