Mary Grace Morris

Account Specialist

At 19 years old, Mary Grace moved up to the fabulous town of Starkvegas and began her college career at Mississippi State University with an undeclared major and no idea of where to start. It was in her career planning class first semester that she learned about communication with an emphasis in public relations. It was the perfect fit, combining her love for planning, reading and writing.  

During her time at Mississippi State, she was involved with many organizations and served in different leadership positions for her sorority and the Panhellenic executive board. She also had the opportunity to be a part of the Public Relations and Integrated Student Media Agency (PRISM) on campus, where she served as account executive her first semester and copywriter her last semester. These two positions helped her hone skills in PR and change her plans for the future. Instead of pursuing a law degree, she decided to join the workforce. She found Obsidian PR, and began working as an intern in summer 2023. 

Mary Grace was born and raised in Madison, Mississippi and grew up only visiting Memphis a few times to go shopping with her grandmother and to cheer on her MSU Bulldogs. She has loved every minute of her time in Memphis so far and is thankful to now call this city home! 

When she’s not working, you can find her on walks at Shelby Farms, in a Pure Barre class or reading her favorite books! Mary Grace also enjoys spending time with her friends and family and cheering on her favorite sports teams.