PR planning

A year of stranger, better things

Yeah, I’m a little late to the party. In fact, I think I’m even late for the after-after-party. The Netflix juggernaut Stranger Things debuted in summer 2016, which means we’re almost a year and a half to the day from that premiere. For that long, I have sat…

Step One: Plan

I used to think life was all about spontaneity. I still do, on some level. It always seems like the great stories are the ones that result from that time you intended to have a lazy movie night with friends in college, but on a whim, drove to…

There’s no “I” in team

“No man is an island…and therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." In John Donne’s Meditation 17, he emphasizes the interconnectedness of mankind. It’s also a pretty accurate metaphor for our culture here at Obsidian PR. You see, although each client…