obsidian pr

Only you can prevent word crimes.

If there’s a funny grammar meme out there, it’s a safe bet to say I’ve seen it (and loved it). My friends and family make fun of me all the time for my love of words. Some of my favorites are to comfort with the words there, they’re,…

Your Personal Brand

During my senior year of college, I took a required (and pivotal) class in the public relations program – it was called Style and Design in Public Relations Messages. I knew the class was going to be tough – we would be learning HTML code, using Adobe Photoshop…

Sincerity Shows

I recently caught the end of a show on National Geographic about why humans lie and how easy it is to spot someone who is lying. It got me to thinking about everyday conversations in the workplace and the importance of showing sincerity to our co-workers, clients and…

The F-bomb will never land you a job

Each time I do a round of interviews with college students and new graduates, I am always amazed by the lack of interviewing skills and the missing sense of professionalism exhibited by these candidates in particular. I understand that professionalism, to some degree, is learned in the first…

What keeps me up at night?

A PR person’s brain never stops. Never. No, really. Never stops. I guess technically, one’s brain never really stops, so let me qualify that statement: a PR executive’s thoughts are always racing – and generally, we’re OK with that (see Kerri’s recent post “Why I would do my…

Cooking with Kim

When I have the extra time, I really enjoy cooking. No, I don’t mean whipping up a box of macaroni and cheese and thawing out a veggie burger (although that is very yummy!); I mean truly creating a meal from the ground up. This winter, my favorites have…

Outsourced: Public Relations

Not every company has the ability – or the desire – to have an expert on staff for every task that must be executed to run a business. A company that chooses to outsource a service is looking for a specialist in that field, and it is a…