Kristen Orsborn

A Deep-Fried PR Disaster

Poor Paula Deen. Within weeks, she went from high priestess of deep-fried food to pop culture pariah. She’s courted controversy before. (Remember that diabetes diagnosis/endorsement deal? Or her throw-down with Anthony Bourdain?). But she’s never seen anything quite like this. Earlier this summer, Deen testified under oath during…

Winter is Coming… PR Lessons from Game of Thrones

I hopped on the bandwagon. I’ve gotten completely swept up in HBO’s Game of Thrones. I love the costumes (I’m a chick), the storylines and the DRAGONS! Whether you’re trying to take back the Iron Throne or just boost your company’s bottom line, there are some interesting PR…

I have a confession to make

As a public relations professional (and, arguably, as an American citizen), it’s my duty to stay in the loop with what’s happening in my community and the world around me. I’m constantly plugged in to local, national and global news on a variety of topics. So at the…

Back to the Basics

As a TV journalist-turned-PR pro, I’ve been on the other side of hundreds, if not thousands, of pitches. Some of them were good. But most got deleted. About 1 percent of them were great. Those pitches all had a few things in common: 1.    KISS – One of…