kerri guyton

Navigating the Waters of the Client Testimonial

Word-of-mouth marketing has been a proven business generator since the beginning of time. In 2012, Nielsen put numbers behind this by finding in its Global Trust in Advertising report that 92 percent of consumers around the world say they trust recommendations from friends and family above all other…

Are we providing value?

There is so much that we can do for our clients. We provide a variety of services from strategic communication counsel and planning, media relations and crisis management to social media strategy and implementation, content creation and advertising/marketing counsel. And, which services we provide depends on the specific…

Do you speak CEO?

Attend any PR industry meeting or conference and you are bound to hear grumbling about how PR doesn’t have “a seat at the table.” Many PR professionals feel like they are only brought into the C-suite conversations when there is a crisis or some other immediate situational need,…

What Makes for a Great News Story

On any PR blog, you will find at least one post – more than likely you’ll find several – about what constitutes newsworthiness, as it is our business to distribute news about our clients. We are often put in the position of explaining to our clients what is…

Why I would do my job for free

The saying “nothing in this life is free” is not lost on me. My parents used this phrase often, and I have passed along this life lesson to my children on many occasions. I am the bookkeeper in my family, so I watch the money that my husband…

Frame of Reference

The other day at my gym, there was this dude who was working out with heavy weights on every machine. He was throwing down on every piece of equipment they have -- and with proper form and discipline. He was definitely one of the strongest guys that I’ve…