Should I hire in-house or outsource my business’s PR?

So, you’ve got a business to run, and you know that nailing your public relations game is essential for success. PR plays a crucial role in building a positive brand image, establishing credibility and fostering relationships with the public and the media. But here’s the burning question: Should you build your in-house PR dream team or hand it over to a specialized agency? Here’s why outsourcing your PR might be the move for your business.

When it comes to PR, outsourcing might just be the secret sauce you need. 

Remember, it’s crucial to consider your business’s unique needs, available resources and long-term goals. Outsourcing PR doesn’t mean completely abandoning in-house efforts. You can always find a balance that works for you, leveraging the agency’s expertise while keeping some PR tasks in-house.

Are you ready to take your business’s PR game to the next level? Give Obsidian a call!